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12 Days of Christmas Printables [Day 3]

12 Days of Christmas Printables [Day 3]

Today's printable is all about holiday fun! Ask your students which of the choices they like best. Maybe you'll find a way to work one of their favorites into your homeschool day! Fill out the form below to go to the downloads page:

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New Video: Geography Game

New Video: Geography Game

How many of these countries do you recognize? How well do you know your way around the world ... at night?The newest mini-lesson in our Geography series is a game. Can you figure out which countries are shown just by seeing how they look at night? Don't worry - if you...

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History Through Art

History Through Art

A new series on our YouTube channel We've added another mini-lesson series to our YouTube channel all about history in art. You might know that we rely on great artists to help us "see" the amazing things that happened in history before the invention of the...

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The Story of the Canadian Flag

The Story of the Canadian Flag

New video on our YouTube channel The red maple leaf on the Canadian flag is a well known symbol of Canada, but it hasn't always been front-and-center on the flag as it is today! In this mini lesson, find out what the Canadian flag has looked like in the past and what...

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Christmas Printables Day 2 [of 12!]

Christmas Printables Day 2 [of 12!]

Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas Printables is a matching activity. Can your student name the country or state of all these flags? If not, this is a great time for practicing research skills. And here's an extra fun bonus for today's activity: Each of the flags on...

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Why is Europe a continent?

Why is Europe a continent?

Geography mini-lesson There's a new video in the Geography series of mini-lessons on our YouTube channel! If you've been taught to think about the world as made up of continents, you may have noticed that one continent is not quite like the rest. What is the continent...

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For Parents: Getting Started with Knowable World

For Parents: Getting Started with Knowable World

Take a look inside the course dashboard! In this new series of short videos on our YouTube channel, you'll learn everything you need to know about the Knowable World curriculum. Subscribe to the channel to see videos about all the different parts of the lessons and...

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12 Days of Christmas Printables

12 Days of Christmas Printables

Looking for some quick activities for your homeschool during the run-up to the holidays? Keep an eye on our blog for 12 days of free Christmas printables! Every day from December 11th to 22nd we'll be posting a new activity that you can download and print. Many are...

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What Makes a Good Curriculum?

What Makes a Good Curriculum?

Podcast Episode #3 As parents, we know we can't be experts in every subject. That's why we look for the best curricula we can find to help us homeschool our kids. But what makes a good curriculum? And in particular, what makes a good HISTORY curriculum? In this...

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Knowable World in Homeschool Quest Magazine!

Knowable World in Homeschool Quest Magazine!

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win free access to Knowable World Level 1: History Detectives Check out the summer issue of Homeschool Quest Magazine and don't miss Knowable World's page inside! See the online magazine for free here:  ...

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