Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Patrick Henry visited the Ancient Agora of Athens this past weekend. Thankfully, it was a gorgeous, sunny day and all traces of the frost and snow from last week are all gone!
The agora, which means market, were public spaces in ancient Greek city-states. According to Wikipedia, “The Ancient Agora was the primary meeting ground for Athenians, where members of democracy congregated affairs of the state, where business was conducted, a place to hang out, and watch performers and listen to famous philosophers.” Mr. Powell was particularly excited to set foot in such an ancient place and absorb its spirit.
The Powells visited The marble Temple of Hephaestus, a well-preserved Doric peripteros temple dedicated to the patron of metal working and fire. It was a great day!

This is a guest post by Sharone Powell.
We hope you enjoyed these pictures! Have you ever visited Athens, Greece? Have you learned about any of these landmarks in your homeschool studies? What would you most like to see if you could visit? Let us know in the comments!